Sunday, February 12, 2012

Application Letter Critique

I am applying for an internship position in Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore. You may click to access their website.

I will be submitting my application letter and resume via email, as shown in the images below. I edited my personal details because I do not like to publicise them on the Internet. Click on the images to enlarge them :)
Application Letter

Resume Page 1

Resume Page 2

I will be glad to receive critiques! Thank you. :)


  1. Hi Grace

    I found a few typos here and there.

    "I believe that I will be able to contribute positively to the backroom operations of IRAS."
    You wrote "postiviely"

    "Property Tax Division"
    You wrote "porperty"

    Other than these errors, I think you could also introduce yourself as someone who possess good organizational skills, managing events well (to cite a few from your resume). From the jobs you are applying for, they are mostly related to taxes, so probably a well-organized employee is what they need.


  2. hi grace,

    i apologise for the long comment ahead. However, i feel that there are some changes you could make to entice the HR manager more. (For example, showing more passion and interest in the position/program, and also to substantiate your strengths with examples and past experiences!) :)

    I refer to the Internship Programme advertised during the Career Fair held at the National University of Singapore (NUS) dated xx February 2012. I am interested in taking up an internship in the backend operations of IRAS. ----- (I feel that instead of saying backroom, it would be more professional to state it this way ‘backend operations’. Also, I try not to use the word ‘job’ as it seems rather informal, but this is just my pet peeve.)
    I am an undergraduate student majoring in Sociology, and this is my penultimate year of studies. I have previously graduated from Nanyang Polytechnic with a Diploma in Accounting & Finance, in which I pursued courses in taxation.

    I have developed good patience and an eye for detail through these working stints. ---- (Maybe you can go on to explain how? Like your internship at KMPG doing audit can be slightly elaborated.)

    In addition, working at xxx company, which requires me to administer/generate countless spreadsheets and tables, allowed me to acquire a passion and comfort working with numbers.
    I sincerely hope that I can be considered for the internship at IRAS as I really wish to pursue a career here in the future upon graduation. I can be contacted at 9xxxxxxxx (Mobile) and also via email at

    Thank you so much for your consideration/time.

    just my two cents worth, hope it helps u!
